Happy New Year!! From all of us at Serenity Valley Farm, may your 2011 be prosperous, find you in good health and good company and find you and yours happy.
We haven't officially sat down and plotted out what goals and projects we'd like to accomplish around the farm this year yet. Of course the biggest one is getting everything lined up so we can purchase the additional land for the farm. We've been dealt a couple hurdles but so far nothing that will be putting a stop to the plans so it's full steam ahead! We've talked about a lot of other projects... a LOT, but haven't yet officially started any so it's all up in the air at the moment. We kept saying that new projects need to make us money, save us money or put us in an overall better position for the land purchase. I think those are still our guiding principles, so in that vein some of the proposed projects include:
- purchasing a feeder calf for our use and possible
- purchase 1-2 feeder pigs for our use and possible sales
- purchase day-old turkeys to raise and sell for next Thanksgiving
- renovate the attached garage into a bedroom and half-bath
- continue improvements to The Shindig (aim improvements towards eventually being able to climate control for year round use)
- add 1-2 hoophouses in the garden area to extend the growing season
- add landscaping around back patio for growing herbs
- add more pine trees and other landscaping
Everyone at the farm is doing well. Hope you are too!