Saturday, January 26, 2013

Shirley the Super Star

I am so excited about Shirley!  I hope this post does her justice and not just a bunch of babble.

I signed up for a group lesson in Richmond with Nadeem Noon.  I've known Nad for years, watched him ride and coach at events, but until now have never taken a lesson with him.  I'm so glad I finally got the chance.

The plan, of course, didn't go according to ... well... the plan.  The plan was to take Spider.  She'd done a wonderful jump school with Ella last weekend and was doing great through the week.  Unfortunately, after a good workout on Thursday, I went back on Friday to do another session leading up to the clinic today.  Unfortunately, Spider was off and we had to make alternate plans.

Of course Shirley hasn't been in regular work for quite a while, despite being amazing a couple weeks ago during a trial ride.  We weren't entirely sure taking her would work, if she'd settle enough to in a group lesson setting, but decided to take a chance.  As insurance, thanks to Jen, we loaded up Noble for the ride as well. If Shirley had a major meltdown, we could tack up Noble and I could still get a bit of a lesson.

No worries -- Shirley, while showing her green side a bit, was a rock star!!  We missed a bit of the flatwork warm up, but really... she was very good and I'm so proud of her!

The video below is the last exercise of the lesson.  I certainly need some work, but I'm so proud of Shirley.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Show updates - already!

As posted last time, there will be 2 Serenity Valley Farm Horse Shows this year.  That hasn't changed.  But the dates have.

Serenity Valley Farm Horse Show I is now Saturday, June 29th (previously reported as June 8th).
Serenity Valley Farm Horse Show II is still on for Saturday, October 12th.

Both are still being held at Twin Towers Park in Fairborn and both are still including Dressage, Combined Test and Jumper classes (with 2 Gambler's Choice payback classes) and possibly including Cross Country Schoolling with the new bank and water complexes available.

A complete class list will be posted on the website, which I'm in the process of giving a MAJOR makeover and am VERY close to completing, but I wanted to make sure the new dates were out so folks could include them in their plans.  I know I'm already looking at calendars and thinking of what I'd like to go to.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Exciting News! Serenity Valley Horse Shows coming soon

Wow, it's well into January already.  I slacked off again keeping up the farm blog.  I need to do better because there's a LOT going to be happening this year.

Probably the most exciting news is that we are going to be organizing 2 Serenity Valley Horse Shows at Twin Towers Park in Fairborn -- Saturday, June 8 and Saturday, October 12.  Each show will consist of Dressage, Combined Test and Jumper classes.  The dressage classes will be sanctioned by DLSC and points towards DLSC Year End awards can be earned at these shows.  We're still working finalizing show bill/prize list but this is what we know so far.

The Dressage portion of the show will include all the regular DLSC classes:
  • Intro Tests A, B, C (split by Jr/Sr as possible)
  • Training Tests 1, 2, 3 (split by Jr/Sr as possible)
  • USEA Eventing Tests - Beginner Novice through Training level (specify test on entry)
  • First Level Tests 1, 2, 3
  • Percentage Class - Second thru Fourth Level USDF only
The CT classes will include from Ground Poles thru Preliminary.  The October show will also offer a CCI* CT for those gearing up for the CCI* at MSEDA the following weekend who want to practice their dressage and show jumping.

The Jumper classes will range from 2' up to mirror the jumping levels of the CT divisions.  In addition, we will have a Low and a High Gambler's Choice.  Low will run from 2' to 3' and be held between the Beginner Novice and Novice divisions.  High will run from 3' to 4' and be the last class of the day.  Both classes will be 50% PAYBACK (minimum 5 entries to be payback).

Limited stabling will also be available and possibly cross country schooling, including the new water and bank complexes.

Stay tuned for more details as we get them figured out.  Of course we'll also be looking for help for both shows!  If you can offer some help either with paperwork, scribing, timing or jump crew (or any other of the myriad of jobs that go into hosting a horse show), please let me know at!  Unlike the other DLSC shows, I don't have a barn full of students/parents to pool from for help (though I do have a wonderful partner in crime for this venture, and I'm sure some of the iTolt folks will be able to help).  But as we all know, horse shows are definitely labor intensive.

I'm in the process of revamping the Serenity Valley Farm website itself.  In terms of the horse shows, I'll be posting the show bills, entry forms and all the pertinent information on the website so stay tuned!