Friday, March 29, 2013

Update - critters and items for sale

There are quite a few things coming up and a few updates I should probably write about.  Here's the short versions of everything.
  • I didn't get a "we've had a cancellation" call, so the cows are heading to Freezer Camp on Tuesday.  It's time.  Need to wrangle a volunteer or 2 to help me load them first thing Tuesday morning (last year went easier than expected, but I'm not going to assume it will be as easy with these 2), then they'll be off.  For those who purchased a share, it's typically 10 days to 2 weeks before they're ready for pick up, but I should be able to give you a ballpark quote on the processing fees later in the day on Tuesday. 
  • The chickens have started laying like gangbusters!  Anyone want some eggs??
  • The girls are still both over at iTolt and doing fantastic!  We have a group lesson tomorrow with Nad Noon set up.  I'll be riding Shirley, Ella will be on her Thumper pony, and Jen is going on Coco.  I'm really looking forward to it.  Spider won't be joining us but she's doing amazingly well and had a lesson with Ella and Rob earlier this week.  We're really proud of both girls!  I personally can't wait to take them on trail rides and cross country schools.  Of course the weather needs to cooperate for that to happen.
  • As for things around the farm, they're going ok.  Pretty mud covered at the moment, but I supposed that's to be expected.  At least the 5 inches of snow we received earlier this week has already melted for the most part.  Looking forward to getting the garden put in soon.  I also need to work on getting several items sold, including:
    • 2004 Ford Explorer XLT 4x4, black, gray cloth interior. 162K miles. Good mechanical condition with new battery, good tires. Good body condition with no rust.  Good interior with typical wear but nothing major. Downsizing to a smaller vehicle since I'll be able to use my brother's truck for the next couple years.  Asking $5,000 OBO
    • Antique upright piano.  Purchased from a lady who told me stories about how she used to play it in her grandmother's home.  I don't know much more than that.  In ok shape.  Needs tuning and a couple keys need replaced (they're there, but the white covering on them isn't -- obviously I'm not a piano expert).  Just don't need/want any more.  Asking $350.

    • 34" Sony HD tv.  Older flatscreen (still a tube - not the skinny kind of tv).  Works great, just don't need anymore. Has several Coax/HDMI/RCA cable connections.  May include homemade stand (made of 2x4s and 4x4s, with 2 shelves) if desired.  Asking $150 OBO

    • Green wool hooded cloak.  Great Condition!  Hunter green.  Hood is lined with a lighter blue.  Rest of cloak is unlined.  Has embroidery stitching at both shoulders - a celtic knot.  Has brown suede at clasp area (but no clasp).  No longer need. Asking $150.

Hopefully we'll be able to get some really nice pictures and maybe some video of tomorrow's lesson on Shirley to post.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Ides of March

Spring temperatures keep popping up here and there and make me believe spring really is on the way. 

Another indication?  The horses are shedding like crazy!  Seriously... one cannot wear fleece anywhere around them at the moment for fear of walking away looking like a wookie.

It's actually been nice enough recently to have 2 rides in the outdoor arena at iTolt.  This past Sunday was one of them.  Grand plans to do a jumping session outside were more or less nixed.  With everything being completely mud-covered (another Spring indication), no one has gotten their usual turnout time.  First ride outside?  Breezy and overcast?  Coming off little turnout?  Fit Thoroughbreds?  Yeah... quite the volital mix!  Spider kind of lost her cookies.  Not in a hateful way just in her way of telling us, VERY loudly, that she NEEDED to GO!  Go where?  Who cares... just GO!  Both Ella and Anita did a good job of getting her fairly focused.  I had another ride on her yesterday outside and she was still quite convinced that it was go time but she settled even better.  Afterwards I turned her loose in the indoor and she rolled then proceeded to run/buck for several minutes.  Silly girl.  Shirley did really well on Sunday.  Well enough to end with a couple jumps (though we left the grid as poles on the ground).  She's living at iTolt full time for the moment and is making good progress with the additional workouts.  Both girls had a couple lessons with Emily Abbate last week.  They did great and both Anita and I are anxious to see them continue to grow and learn.

Side note, Shirley is LOVING the extra work.  She's becoming more and more a pocket pony.  I'm really having fun with both of them and the attitude change (from disinterest to enthusiastic curiosity) is really great to experience.

Yet another indication of Spring?  All the show bills and clinics that are popping up!  To have the time and finances to do them all would be amazing.  There's an upcoming schooling jumper show, a fun "eventing show", plus opening dates for the first few events of the season are rapidly approaching.  It's fun to look at everything going on in the area, if not a bit overwhelming to make a decision on what to attend and what skip this year.  This is an amazing area to live in as there is so much to choose from.  And even if there isn't something specific going on, there's always trail riding.  Cannot wait for the trails to be less muddy and take the girls out.

Only one new update with the SVF shows... Emily Abbate has agreed to be one of our dressage judges for the June 29th show!