Friday, September 10, 2010

Feeling like fall

LOVING the cooler weather we're now having.  It's so much nicer and so much easier to get things accomplished around the farm when you aren't constantly sweating.

The first official SVF party is now history.  Thanks for everyone who came out.  Hope you enjoyed yourself.  The LBDHW (Labor Day House Warming Bash) was a success by all accounts.  Had some folks filtering through in the afternoon then a nice group from dinner til late, even a few that crashed in the camper.  Have a couple pictures I need to get posted but once dinner arrived we all got so busy enjoying ourselves that we forgot to take a lot of pictures.  Oops.  Have to do better next time.

And the next party is planned -- Halloween!  Costumes not required but highly encouraged.  We're working on ways to keep some heat in the bar too.

Speaking of bars, the Name the Tavern contest is going on and getting some good feedback.  Can't wait to see what the name of the bar is going to be.  If anyone is interested, voting will take place between now and the Halloween Party and you can vote whenever you want and as often as you want.  Remember, every $1 vote also gets you an entry into the 50/50 raffle!

In other farm news...

The hens are doing great.  we're now getting essentially 1 egg per day per hen.  We also have 25 chicks on order from McMurrays Hatchery.  They should be arriving next month -- 12 Arcaunas (laying blue/green eggs) and 13 Rhode Island Reds.  By spring our personal egg production will have grown enough that we may be able to start selling a few dozen/week.

We're also investigating options for the next year... be that broilers, growing out a calf or pig for butchering, or boarding a couple horses.  Lots to think about.

And lastly, we're working on revamping the website to be more up-to-date and useable.  Plus we've added a Facebook account (Serenity Valley Farm, what else?).

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