Friday, October 22, 2010

The race is on!!

1 week to go in the Name the Tavern Contest (and 50/50 Raffle) and we have a new leader!

1. The Shindig
2. The Withers Tavern
3. Kookyduke's Tavern
4. The Browncoat Tavern
5. Old Nelson's Charge
6. The Bascule Tavern
6. The Prancing Pony Inn
6. The Stirrup Cup Pub
9. Airs Above the Ground Tavern
9. The Shiny Oxer Tavern
Remember, you can vote as often as you would like between now and 10pm next Saturday (October 30th).  The official name and the winner of the 50/50 Raffle will be announced at 10:30pm (although probably not posted here until Monday morning).
In other news, it's been kind of a rough week chicken-wise.  Monday morning we lost one of the Rhode Island Red chicks and Monday night we lost one of our great Barred Rock hens.  Everyone else is doing really well so we're not looking at anything contagious.  There is the probability that our egg production ... slipping from 1 egg per hen per day to occasionally all BUT one hen is due to simply the shorter days.  Still looking forward to spring when all the chicks start laying.  Will be posting current pics of the chicks soon... they've started to lose the baby fuzz and are turning into beautiful birds.
Received 10 Eastern Red Cedar tree seedling transplants in the mail yesterday from The Nurseryman.  They're planted in various locations on the north side of the property along Old Dayton Road, hopefully to grow up quickly and act as a wind/sound/noise break between the farm and the road.
We've also started "interviewing" for another dog here at the farm.  Gypsy has made her preference for running the long distances with Chris pretty well known so one of the jobs of the new pup will be to be Chris's running partner as she continues to work towards her goal of eventually running a marathon.  Will post information and pictures as soon as a dog is selected.  We're primarily looking at cattle dogs or cattle dog mixes since Gypsy is such a wonderful girl.
Bella the cow is on hold til we determine for sure if she's been bred.  She'll be here eventually and we've started making preparations for her arrival (fencing, hay, etc.).
Still have horse boarding available.

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